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Showing posts with label happy alderaan day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy alderaan day. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Alderaan Day Earthlings! [Twitter Found Poem, April 21, 2010]

Happy Alderaan Day Earthlings! [Twitter Found Poem, April 21, 2010]

Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
Re: @DaDa509 @killerma @GinaBean221 @SayJumner @carriefan1024 @leahlimps @ginerously @vibrotronica @NickKrammes @OrganicGuru @FishieMuses @hypermarvs @Miraculousjw @AkiyamaMio @saucefonda @dees_the_guy @goaTcHoKer138 @FamousasiwannaB @KillaMessiah @BigHotChocolate @JasJazzy @tiandjuaeni @diochariot @yaratabrani @mj4justice @JamesRyanJ @geologist @Estrella_Mas @MBywalec @Sha_lee_sah @ItsBlottoBitch @jordandaley @UltraFacts @blanquirosa @amitseshan @BigJohn908 @mylesbarr

at night time i am ultra mega scared of THE EARTH...
Will @DarthVader celebrate ultra mega Earth Day
like he did Alderaan Day?
explode THE EARTH?

you Gonna tell me I can't handle "HAPPY
EARTH DAY" knuckle head Earthlings! ?
i am scared of ghosts, small children and kittens
& i am ultra mega scared of THE EARTH
explode like Alderaan Day.

I can always depend on luck tomorrow
today i need to hide.
depend on luck today ! ?
this is A big sacrifice !

I always knew this day would come
the earths magnetic field energy
inspires more evil or insane
secret party skank police, S.W.A.T. , and the gang
wishing you HAPPY Alderaan Day Earthlings!
u was jail but I'll let the ppl k ow now

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