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#WelcometoNigeria where a guy is fighting
in d car and a hawker comes and says "buy your knives"
welcome to your #job
Maintenance Manager - Chemical Plant
a World leader in the manufacture
of mixed color barrier
rancid plastic garbage patch.
welcome Home
The Ocean Has Fish Shit in It.
a lot of fish sperm just floatin around...
Atlantic ocean rancid plastic garbage patch
to complement the Pacific. It's called recycling.
welcome Home
where Leaders come from '70s Tomorrows World.
where looting the Planetary treasury is errr young thugz (agbero) dream
manmade climate change & '70s Tomorrows World today
is errr young thugz (agbero) dream
welcome to your #job
Get-Rich-Quick with mixed color
massive, rancid Planetary plastic garbage