Athletes shed bone whispers:
Actors in hippodromes
Glazing the starlighted
Evening with halogen
Torches to bankrupt what's
Solvent. A byzantine
Network of laminates
Braising phenomena
Red with their furious
Play as they batter their
Autos on freeways and
Mingle their paint job with
Spatters, or wealthier
Patterns of greenery.
Circuses. Chariots
Racing with wobbling
Axles—hellbent to win.
“It’s the gift that keeps on taking. The old Giants Stadium, demolished to make way for New Meadowlands Stadium, still carries about $110 million in debt, or nearly $13 for every New Jersey resident, even though it is now a parking lot. ”
– Ken Belson,The New York Times, September 7, 2010
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