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Showing posts with label babysitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babysitter. Show all posts

Saturday, May 08, 2010

But @beautyfullybrwn,U Already Suckin' Jeremy Bentham's Dick [Twitter Found Poem May 8, 2010]

But @beautyfullybrwn,U Already Suckin' Jeremy Bentham's Dick [Twitter Found Poem May 8, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

4 fat dudes n a beat up toyota ride by
the Prophet Jeremy Bentham wearing
his WORK uniform.
u an They TALK SHIT.

What u couldn't find a babysitter?
the Prophet Jeremy Bentham is on the case .
your kids in the car sleep wit a 5$ foot long and a box of capri suns
while u TALK SHIT .
About what, Yoko Ono?
About u an yr Value ; democracy?
right … stupid.

#WhyYouAtTheClub with 4 fat dudes
and your kids in the car sleep wit
a 5$ foot long and a box of capri suns?
What on earth makes u think
your happiness is a good thing?
What on earth makes u think
your genes are the best genes?

u needs the Prophet to think for You ?
That was not a good idea.
You lie down with 4 fat dudes
and wake again
with your WORK uniform on.

u invest in shoes b4 u invest in Any ideas.
u think about how u suck a dogs dick
before u think about how the Prophet Jeremy Bentham
is not the best babysitter.

yo momma want him get outta my @mentions
but yo kids want to get outta yo car ?
instead u invest in shoes and suck
4 fat dudes n a beat up toyota.

Value democracy in proportion to popularity.

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