I had a little bone and I planted it
Bloodied it daily, it grew into a skull
Beneath the summer dirt and the nectar dried,
Jasmine unwound and the blossoms fell to mud.
As dry as any skeleton. Brittle. Brown.
Winter made cairns with its snow and froze the grave,
My bone had also blossomed and drank the ice.
"The 22-year-old man suspected in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and at least 17 others outside a Tucson grocery store was suspended from a local community college last October for code of conduct violations and ultimately withdrew from the school voluntarily. He was suspended in late September after the college police found a video on YouTube in which Loughner claimed the college is "illegal" under the U.S. Constitution, officials said. "
—Ashley Powers, Maeve Reston and Rick Rojas, Los Angeles Times, January 9, 2011
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