“An Internet posting declaring war on a government agency was what provoked federal law enforcement to close in on the nine Christian extremist militia members who are now charged with plotting an attack on police.”
“Mr. Putin said it is a matter of honor for law enforcement agencies to dredge the militants out of sewer and to bring them into God's daylight... Umarov says that if Russians think the war is far away in the Caucasus, then "praise Allah" his organization intends to prove that the war will come home to them.”
“Drain the pond to catch the fish.”
-Mao Zedong
The holy word was written on the stock
“I dare you: face the other end and mock
The Lord again.” Theology is lead.
And true believers? Alchemists who dread
What coming transmutations might unfold.
It's better then to trade the faith for gold,
Than wait for revelation's cloudy proof.
Since fear of death rebuts the gilded roof,
Since atheists believe we can redeem
This nothingness, with self-inspired theme—
That human love exceeds the evils done—
Rebut them with the barrel of a gun.