“You ask I make my choice? It's made.
I choose to separate myself
From both the worshipers of blades,
And ones who use a book on shelf
To choose their mode of bigotry;
To justify their cruelty,
To please their Gods or ancestry.
I'll swear at oaths of fealty
Before I let you compromise
The oath I made to humankind.
You cowards! All of you surmise
That killing me destroys my mind
And silences the truth. It's true
You'll ask my skull for pithy barbs—
Until the swords are rusted through.
With ash and sackcloth as your garb—
You'll still recall the atheist
Who questioned why you must persist
In elevating solipsists
Who don't believe that God exists—“
Re: “Belgium's vote to ban full face veils in public is the furthest any European country has gone to confront... Muslim minorities.”
– Tom Heneghan, Reuters, April 30, 2010; 1:41 PM
“The United Nations Economic and Social Council yesterday elected Iran to serve a four-year term -- beginning in 2011 -- on the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). ”
– Anne Bayefsky, FoxNews.com, April 29, 2010
"Honor killings," or crimes carried out against women seen to have tainted the family's name, are not uncommon in mainly Muslim Turkey, particularly in poor and rural areas.
The European Union, which Turkey has applied to join, has repeatedly urged Ankara to take a tougher stance against such crimes.
– Ibon Villelabeitia, Reuters, Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:45pm EDT