I've been following you.
I've made following you my Priority.
There are laws to protect my freedom of following you,
but none that protect you from me!!
I've followed you to Rome, yeaaaaaah!!
I've followed you to the NYC musical you call home. yeah.
You know I followed you to the police station
and by the way the Robot Sitting Behind You
Is a Serial Rapist. I took good care of it!!!
was that your husband?
I'm sorry I couldn't do it justice.
I just was doing your telepathic bidding!!!
I just want to preserve the actress' body and cherish it
and you wouldn't even let that happen.
and now you want to do a fall themed photo shoot?
ahah okaay lol :D
wait don't shoot me.
I'm falling in blood without you.
fine! I'll NEVER honor and cherish it.
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