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Showing posts with label sofa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sofa. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Knave of Tarts and His Slave Camp of Art [Twitter Found Poem, June 16, 2010]

Knave of Tarts and His Slave Camp of Art [Twitter Found Poem, June 16, 2010]

Revel in your knowledge of the Machine!
(knave knave knave...)
build a Slave Camp for the worthless slave.
(knave of tarts tarts tarts...)
TO build a SOFA WIFI office work space, TV,
coffee, pretzels, tarts tarts tarts...
as You walk this world nothing can stop the knave of tarts!
a Woo hoo hoo hoo...

and i Defaced a Giant Penis
(Russian cock crushed under a Drawbridge...)
for I'm your Queen Of Art.
and that bastard, the Duke of couch
(Duke of couch couch couch...)
has nothing On your Slave Camp Of Art.
Last night i dipped this trip
(Oh yeah)
into the absurd and confusing realm...
the realm of the SOFA KING!!!
a Woo hoo hoo hoo...

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