What did we build? A titanium frame for our sky?
Ribbons of stone that we polished then trampled?
Temple we pushed on a gut-slickened path,
Boring through faithful: obsessed
Always with rescue?
Even the gold is prepared to subject to the bell.
Trees show devotion by shearing then bearing
Prayers on their corpses. The wheel must be red,
Lest it cease spinning and pause—
Motionless value.
"Pressure mounted for lenders to halt foreclosures this week as state officials look into the latest home loan scandal, so-called robosigning of foreclosure documents. "
—Laurie Kulikowski, The Street, 10/09/10 - 08:12 AM EDT
"China's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan hit out at rich countries on Saturday, telling the International Monetary Fund that high debts, low interest rates and unconventional stimulus policies were a fundamental global problem and a headache for emerging nations."
—Reuters, Sat Oct 9, 2010 12:47pm EDT
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