“...in relation to the establishment of the website http://MarkYudof.com, an art protest piece in which the artist expressed an alternate version of the future in which University of California President Mark Yudof publicly resigned his position by acknowledging that his “service as president is detrimental to the future of public education in the state of California.” ... As a direct result of the sit-in action, the University of California, San Diego’s Office of Information Technology Security shut down the bang.lab server’s access to the Internet for eight consecutive days.”
-micha, b.a.n.g. lab Letter of Support, April 7, 2010
“cen·sor –noun 2. any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.”
“Popular stories told of righteous censors revealing corruption as well as censors who accepted bribes.”
--Wikipedia bullshit that still makes an illustrative point
“Bottom line: The FCC can abandon its ideological pursuit of the "net neutrality" bogeyman, and get on with making the world safe for the iPad.”
--HOLMAN W. JENKINS, JR., Wall Street Journal, APRIL 7, 2010
For children, drunks and other fools
It's fine to live by golden rules.
But when you age, remember dear,
Your ethics burden you with gear
You'd best abandon—else just die.
Adults don't bother with the why—
The good shall perish; niceness reigns.
The winner always learns to feign
The courage eaten foes displayed
In life (the fools who never played.
The ones who felt too much to live,
But sought to spend their lives—to give
It up—to die for abstract cause.
They beg for change with grubby paws.).
Relax, for no one cares for you
(In truth this chat was overdue)
As I, so I debunked the lie
To prick your hopes, release your sigh;
To save you from naive designs,
To save you from the cardboard sign—
The only freedom left for those
Who choose to wear their dirty clothes
And lay about in stink and dreams,
As members of the losing team.