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Showing posts with label replace the sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label replace the sun. Show all posts

Monday, May 03, 2010

Clone Factories Stamping Away!! [Twitter Found Poem, May 3, 2010]

Clone Factories Stamping Away!! [Twitter Found Poem, May 3, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

The sun's healing ray is a waste of space
& looks disgusting .
the sky looks disgusting
& Twilight confuzed the shit outta me …
looks disgusting but I like the stars I stole from you

Just happened upon a programme called
Toddlers & Tiaras. scandalous!! WTF???
Fake teeth, fake tans, wigs, fake eyelashes…
u reallly think the world needs that many shitty diapers???
Some big stars have doppelgangers

in the felt kingdom. Clone Factories stamping away!!
I don't care FOR The sun's healing ray!!!
you're horrible. sorry...
I'm horrible. sorry...
the stars Ain't got SHiT on you

I'm sick of the sky.
Shut Down the sun &&
I'll lay awake and I'll watch the stars as they collide&&
I'll worship fake tans &&
never make amends w/ the disgusting sky&&
stay in bed and watch tv forever…

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