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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Explosive Monochrome [News Poem, April 8, 2010]

Explosive Monochrome [News Poem, April 8, 2010]
“We had a guy shooting... and now he's behind the building.”
“Uh, negative, he was, uh, right in front of the brad. Uh, 'bout there... one o'clock. Haven't seen anything since then.”
“Just fuck it. Once you get on 'em just open 'em up.” [4:34 LISTEN, transcription's wrong]
“I see your element, uh, got about four Humvees, uh, out along this uh—”
“You're clear.”
“All right. Firing.”
“Let me know when you get them.”
“Let's shoot.”
“Light 'em all up.”
“Come on. Fire!”
“Well it's their fault for bringing their kids to a battle.”
“That's right.”

With monochrome eyeballs the whirlybird watches
And likewise we're fixed on the ignorant target;
And both of us think of the black and white movies—
Those cellulose nitrates, those obsolete pictures
Of characters featuring colorless faces,
Of subjects long dead and the lingering stigma
Of monochrome colors in digitized footage:
The murder, it plays out like X-Box Three Sixty.

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Iamb, Pyrrhic, Trochee, Iamb, Pyrrhic, Trochee

That's the metrical scheme for today's news poem. Working on it now.

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Bread and Circuses [Found Poem on Twitter, April 8, 2010]

Bread and Circuses [Found Poem on Twitter, April 8, 2010]

FINGUZ_BEATSOTS sarahntastic fhlug88 Mistressandi Clifsoulo MAS_is_more Buzzzown ProudToBLoud danforthfrance NoelSheppard SKANKYfranky asianxtmp MetaphOracly biofeed davidmackkabuki darsenovski RAPSTARPROMO BtingenVaEstate @LiberalWhoppers Oliviamunn Meggiemoo71 fertilefeminism kiimmiilynn melodybell AFRNGroup randallross822 @darrenhayes WofaiJE MichelleColfax Principled NaniBabyy em29me onesm00thprince

Imagine a world without Liberals...
Imagine Whirled Peace without Liberals...
There would be no Anti-American propaganda
low calori Debbi Does Dinner
no Caramel with sweet cream, choc peace signs and toffee YUM!
no Fried chicken filled donuts.
Only in America can one person fuck up in a week
what took a lifetime to build.
an on-line real estate community circus.
Know what I say about this circus?
Fuck it. Boycott it.

PRAISED George W. Bush. I kid you not!!!
How can one person fuck up in a week
what took a lifetime to build?
a lifetime and fifteen seconds? videogame
or reality? someone got confused...
I'm at a loss as well.
how much stress can one person take before they break down?
I’m out of Protection against EVIL.
This issue is a pet peeve with me
be anti-maternity leave
be pro-murder.
a good amount: the death toll is estimated at just around 100k,

How can one be anti-maternity leave?
I don't have to PRETEND I'm pro-murder
That's my final answer... LOL
collateral damage and suicide bombs
Fried chicken filled donuts.
an on-line real estate community circus.
I am against fucking

Life's a chess game
slaughter day is looming.
my ancient Chinese secret is these muthafukkas can fry some
collateral damage lol
and suicide bombs
They/Me/we are GOING DOWN!!!

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Flak Jacket [Top Post of Yesterday's Guest News Poem by R. Toady, April 8, 2010]

Flak Jacket
By Rutherford Toady

He walks swiftly, balancing
An unopened Can of Pepsi
On his clipboard until it topples off,
Thunks to the sidewalk.

He bends over, picks it up
And wordlessly sets it back on the board,

Clamping the dented can beneath his palm
As he darts across the street
And slips between the sliding glass doors.

Surely he must know
That the carbonation inside the can
Has become agitated, that
The can is now a bomb,
An aluminum grenade
Of volatile pop waiting
To have its pin cracked.
Surely he will take the time
To tap the top of the can
And hold it over the sink,
Pointing the spray safely away
When he flips the tab.
Surely he won't forget that.

Surely he won't take his drink
Directly into the meeting
Before opening it.
Surely today isn't the day
He decided to wear
His best, his only

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Re: Wikileaks horror and my freaking out on Twitter right after viewing it

[140 character chunks preserved w/ no editing even though I really want to]

I've never seen a video that made me weep and scream at the same time. I could imagine war. It was not the footage of the killing that...
dumped adrenalin into my system (at 1am), but rather the video-game bloodlust, which I know all too well, by the soldiers. Don't you
EVER let some patriotic soldier-fuckface tell you s/he's just doing his/her duty. This is MADNESS!
This war will never end until we're all dead. I didn't fully accept it before, but now I understand that the fighting will never end.
People can understand greed and revenge. But the hypocrisy of 'heroic troops?' Madness. THIS is fire control? Badgering control until...
they've been given permission to fire? Talking over/ignoring the guy whose observations might have had them hold their fire? This is the
shit soldiers in Iraq expect us to suck their cocks for? Fuck them. A family member brought pictures of charred bodies to a Christmas.
event right after the war started and he was chuckling and showing the little kids who he killed. I thought that was fucked up, but
thought he was caught in a machine. No. This is war democracy in action. The telos is combined to kill _someone_. To see foes everywhere
We are all so dead. This madness has just escalated from Vietnam. I used to see 'nam as a separate issue. "The Vietnamese forgave us.
so will the Iraqis." There is no forgiveness here. This is unforgivable. _I_ am unforgivable. I knew it was bad, but I chose to believe
that our thugs had controls. There is no system that can survive willful attempts to game it. Whether it's the jury system or fire control.
I am too cowardly to sacrifice my life to fight this insanity. So when someone kills me later, I'll understand why. I deserve it. So do you.
I don't want to fight this shit. I just want to be left alone. But so do most people. And when we hide, evil grows. SHIT! And all I have are
my fucking poems? Poem vs Apache: "April is the cruelest month..." "Ratatatatatat"
And what the fuck are you people doing here, talking about long cat and spamming the shit out twitter? Goddamn!
Imagine if all that effort on meme generation/proliferation was spent on debunking the war. FUCK! We're so dead. There is no point doing
whatever it is that you're doing, because this shit will BOOMERANG on us and kill us. America has become too sick. No amount of poetry, no
amount of your fake-ass 'pity-me' sensitivity is going to save anything. Poets aren't the only ones to blame, really all artists who just
go along for the ride, trying to climb the social ladder--you know what to call it when Romans do it: Degenerate. When you do it though...
you're what? Fucking creative? NO! What the fuck have I been thinking? This MADNESS is the ONLY thing worth writing about.
Everything else just enables the madness. Ignoring madness makes it normative. OMG! And you fucking ninnies get mad at me when I'm being...
harsh? Look to the machine gun if you want harsh. Look to young maniacs who played wargames all their lives. Look to Twitter as you're shot
in the back by a chopper in the distance. There is no future for those who enable this horror. There is nothing for those who stay silent
and let hostile memes make people CRAZIER! WE are harsh with our narcissism. When this madness continues and people scream 'mememememe'
well, I can't help but look at it all and think we're all fucked. Every single last one of us. American and otherwise. Because you
non-Americans are too much like us. You live like us (if you're on twitter, yes, you live like us) with the same ergonomic environment.
You played wargames if you're male and you dismissed the boys' wargames as harmless if you're female. And with the computer and its fake
mediation of really everything, it takes the audio clip of mass murder to make me sick. I was not sickened by the shooting, though I should
have been, I was sickened by the way the decision to shoot was brought about and the PATHETIC justifications that I hope give those fucks
PTSD. I hope they don't kill themselves, if only to serve as zombies. Reminders of how horrible war is. I didn't believe the hippies
when I was growing up, because they were such hypocrites. So I thought war was like peace--just another natural human activity.
Now I understand that the war veteran is a signpost. A warning. Only now, one can see the war, not just its used-up ex-men/women.
I will fight against this, but I think it's too late. i thought my relative was an outlier. I didn't want to believe this was the norm.
And now that I know it's the norm, all my horrible suspicions about the world are confirmed. If anything, I was too soft. If there is a God
It's Manicheistic because the worst impulses in humanity have become the norm. Goodness is just an impulse. Evil is a propensity.

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