The endgame approaches. The pieces are playing
On boards that they own, for the pawn is the monarch
When fending a square from attackers: its battles,
Predestined by mystery masters. Their plans are
Inscrutable: patient conspiracies playing
The King as the puppet. Invisible forces
Resolve what's uncertain for chessmen: they struggle
As gambits unfold and the game's been determined.
“At least eight people were killed and up to 121 injured during a day of violence between anti-government protesters and troops which drew months of stand-off in Bangkok closer to an endgame.”
– The Times Online, May 14, 2010
“A chaotic day of deadly street violence in southern Kyrgyzstan ended Friday with the interim government retaking control of administration buildings in two southern cities.”
– Andrew E. Kramer, The New York Times, May 14, 2010