I bathed in orange juice and liq
and almost drowned.
was brainwashed with orange juice and liq,
because I was binge drinking while playing
sports and being productive.
I couldn't take the kool-aid.
I illegally gave me a hand-job.
it Didn't help
so enemies beware!
It's funny when an Alpha really looks like a Delta.
I'm gonnaaa be a mighty KING
& you couldn't take 2mins to
respond to My cry 4 liq?
you've been drinking the kool-aid,
your brain: a big ass pickle,
& you couldn't take 2mins to hand-job me?
my army of bottles will destroy you!!!
they will Burst through somebody's
twelve step cult meeting and sacrifice some jerks!!!
Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Oh yeah?
Oh yeah!!!
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