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Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts

Monday, August 02, 2010

Stop the Grand Wizard Apostate of Star Trek Wars! [#twitterfoundpoem, August 2, 2010]

Stop the Grand Wizard Apostate of Star Trek Wars! [#twitterfoundpoem, August 2, 2010]

Star Trek Wars apostate Convention:
Where Southern Fried Worship meets
Yankee Doodle ex-fanboy Fury.
some snarky apostate mage
and his followers in white hoods
START the festivities.
Southern-Fried, Yankee-Doodle, ex-fanboy
mage starts casting a spell of activate lighter!
JESUS! he burns a picture of @levarburton,
@_TheFakeMcCoy, @illogical_Spock, George Lucas,
and the Captain! someone stop them!
JUST because Star Trek Wars stopped
loving you, or never loved you
doesn't mean you stop loving them.
burn me instead! If you burn me
I will rEturn more powerful than anything
you can Imagine: honorary Star Wars officer
on the crew of the Enterprise! !

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