Update: Clif High: Web Bot PREDICTIONS/ Prophetic Signs & Portents Series:
Michael Jackson needs more and more child soldiers
and Rush Limbaugh thinks human flesh is DELICIOUS.
theres a conspiracy behind every year!!!
more and more soldiers STOP biased media
with the annual Reptilian Conspiracy Meet:
the obamas are Alien space invaders smoking in a car
with virgins and viruses... Yeah, you guess
that is just the evilness of the powers that be...
The secret histories of those @#$%ing
computer symbols you see everywhere:
they are Meme viruses.
I, for one welcome our new high voltage overlords.
why DON'T you welcome THEM?
why do you hope for change?
DON'T you want more and more child soldiers?
DON'T you want more human flesh?
do secret symbols confuse u?
do you understand why the powers that be hate
you with a passion and want to put a bullet in your head?
Michael Jackson needs more and more child soldiers
and the obamas and the Reptilian Limbaugh
find real human virgins DELICIOUS!!!
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