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Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting Evil Eyes From Watching Superhot Blood Plasma TV [Bonus Twitter Found Poem, May 10, 2010]

Getting Evil Eyes From Watching Superhot Blood Plasma TV [Bonus Twitter Found Poem, May 10, 2010]
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Every now and then I am struck by the utter malice
and peril inherent to modernity.
Curious fact: I must have replaced my superhot blood plasma
with an extraordinary power from a supernatural source.
Must mean I'm TV soluble.

something seems to cast a spell or influence
over my eye. loving the idea of a hole being drilled in my eye.
Surgery on my eye to drain the infection
from a supernatural source.

don't say the evil eye is the supernatural source.
I'm TV soluble.
I must have replaced myself
with someone else and now

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