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Monday, April 26, 2010

Semi-Colon [Twitter Found Poem April 26, 2010]

Semi-Colon [Twitter Found Poem April 26, 2010]

Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
@NathanTCameron @lucyima_star @ajskidd10 @iFuxWitPhresh @JustRissaJean @YungHaze @abbickelfro @namusly @LO_LIFE_PRIME @UndigestedHusks @BruceOwen23 @thekeisler @MrReid1989 @wildspaceagogo @NicoleCocoS @World_Bello @Trap_Jesus @NayoNapalm @Jaranoid @DISAGRO @jasminepears @DaveBFI @vkent @Jason @Linda704 @MrCrhis @ageekgirl

#HandsUpIf u dont understand y ppl
fart in class and don't say nothing.
Surgery is the ultimate Colon Cleanse.
fart No more.

#PleaseTellMeWhy people think it's okay
to keep all the original parts u wuz born wit.
see a doctor about That.
Don't keep all the original parts u wuz born wit
when you could be reborn
enjoying a nice new semi-Colon
Free from Humanity

250 Dollars a day is pennies a minute
who doesn't want to be reborn
as the lime green goblin semi truck from #maximumoverdrive ?
#Stopthatshit and don't say nothing.
exhaust fumes smell So much better than
u & yo nasty ass!

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