“Obama administration officials on Friday ramped up their attempts to help struggling homeowners, announcing major changes to the government's much-criticized $75-billion program to modify mortgages to avoid foreclosures.”
--By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times, March 26, 2010 | 10:08 a.m.
In a room of one's own
Close to all agitprop,
With an equity loan
All the assets will pop.
Up in value they soared
As the experts declared
That the value was stored
In diplomas they bared.
On computers all day—
All those hours inside—
I was shut in at play
While the wilderness died.
And I loved to fear death,
And enjoyed the cruel mist;
Does she still pass through breath?
Are her savages missed?
I'm already entombed
In a casing of spires:
While economies boom
My dear nature expires.

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