Prophets in robes made of sackcloth and diesel dust
Know that the jester is credible—even drunk,
Pantless and slathered with feces. So what if he
Stinks and his modesty's crawling with lice and fleas?
Flies on the wall of the office of tragedy
Watch as the faces on Market Street vanish with
Aging, or crawl in a stupor from bus stop to
Gutter, the suit gone to tatters. A briefcase of
Bottles and powders that faxes forgetting from
Files made of billable hours. That money is
Nothing compared to this kingdom of horses.
"Jon Stewart is not a newsman, but polls show he has the reach of one at the top of his profession. He's not a politician or an activist, but he's set to host a rally expected to draw tens of thousands to Washington's National Mall. And with President Obama ready to appear on his Comedy Central show Wednesday -- less than a week before the midterm elections -- Stewart is reconfirming that he's more than just an entertainer and satirist."
—Jason Hanna, CNN, October 27, 2010 -- Updated 1646 GMT (0046 HKT)
Buy the Q1/Q2 2010 Report right now:

that is some jester....vivid imagery...but it makes the point.
Great visual imagery. More than a jester they are all these days. Critics rather!
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