Forge. Fake. Find. Feign. Fuck. Foul. Flee. Fence.
“Taxi man wait. I'll pay you triple your gate.”
Stopped in a space. I took my drive to that place.
Business blackmail; I put my files up for sale.
Marked for death—still, I keep ahead with my skill.
Laugh. Lie. Look. Loot. Lean. Leap. Luck. Lost.
Banker hitmen are shooting bullets and pens;
Gaining on me, I hijacked cab through the trees.
Died. My ID deleted. Hidden, I'm free:
Planning attacks. I know the system will crack.
Gripe. Group. Grip guns. Grunt. Grant. Glow. Gain.
Anarchists plan for panic. Riots will fan.
Oracles wake from losers. Slackers will shake
Secrets from trees, the slavers pass us the keys.
Crumble! Else make society from the flakes.
Seek. Save. Strive. Spare. Smelt. Shape. Seal. Surge.
“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke painted a generally downbeat picture of the U.S. economy Wednesday, saying the overall outlook is "unusually uncertain" and predicting that unemployment will remain stubbornly high for several years.”
– Walter Hamilton, Los Angeles Times, July 21, 2010, 1:28p.m.,0,4835674.story
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