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Friday, July 09, 2010

Trust the Ascetic for Nothing [Twitter Found Poem, July 9, 2010]

Trust the Ascetic for Nothing [Twitter Found Poem, July 9, 2010]

I gave all my worldly possessions for some peace of mind.
SERIOUSLY!!!! I Couldn't take it...
Ah, the life of the Ascetic is the better and saner way
of addressing injustice for some peace of mind:
people don't put all their trust in me for nothing.

Money isn't everything. What seems reasonable
and convincing to the inexperienced is not necessarily correct.
the life of the Ascetic is the better and saner way.

in all honesty the Ascetic Aesthetic is hot.
Asceticism is optimistic, hopeful, and cool!
Baby-making is for horny fools
and the GREEDY HUMAN!!!!!!!!!
only the Ascetic is suited for hot Baby-making
because the Ascetic already rejects all worldly pleasure.

I already gave all my worldly possessions for some peace of mind.
people put all their trust in me for nothing,
so trust in me for nothing and place your funds with me:
St Fonzie the Ascetic.

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1 comment:

Khakjaan Wessington said...

Newsfeed readers, sorry for the mislabeled poem. I'd delete, but then you'd have to choose between the live & dead link.