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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Only Dance in Town [Sonnet, April 20, 2010]

The Only Dance in Town [April 20, 2010]
Expedience or life! You heard me right!
Now step on up—it's time to place your bets!
Too late! I'll choose... the wheel's spun, don't fight!
My carny foot is on the wheel—I'll set
You right. You lose, now choose from one or two.
The door! Now go before I trip the third,
A booby prize for those who die in lieu
Of finer things. I'll say the magic word
And freedom, wealth: the game itself—of life—
I'll grant to you... or not. Now spin to choose—
Now choose and spin. My love, this waltz of strife
Is fixed because a loser seeks to lose
Again—the winners never play this game—
Or tend this carnival—they think it's lame.

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