Pandemonium Ascendent [Week's News
Poem by Khakjaan Wessington, February 15, 2013]
God is at war with us,
Aliens exist and we
War with ourselves.
Explosion is the atheist's deity;
Cosmos, church,
Body, hell.
meteorite streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on
Friday, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave
that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people.”
Kuzmin, Reuters, CHELYABINSK, Russia | Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:40pm EST
The First Stone [Week's News Poem by Khakjaan Wessington,
February 8, 2013]
American Football ballistics resemble
there for the spin in accuracy at its
When the Forty Niners lost Superbowl
Forty Seven,
there was no warning. There were no
orders. No commands.
Just ballistics and an open fire.
Watch the ball and you'll see that the
game is retaliation,
scapegoating, formation, disguised mob.
“The two women who were mistakenly
shot by LAPD officers searching for triple murder suspect Christopher
Dorner Thursday said they had no warning beforehand, the victims'
lawyer told CBS Los Angeles. Attorney Glen Jonas said Maggie
Carranza, 47, and her mother, 71-year-old Emma Hernandez, were
delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5:15 a.m. in Torrance
when the officers opened fire on their vehicle. Jonas said, "There
was no warning. There were no orders. No commands. Just gunshots."”
“In 8/07 I reported an officer (Ofcr.
Teresa Evans/now a Sergeant), for kicking a suspect (excessive force)
during a Use of Force while I was assigned as a patrol officer at
LAPD’s Harbor Division. While cuffing the suspect, (Christopher
Gettler), Evans kicked the suspect twice in the chest and once in the
face. The kick to the face left a visible injury on the left cheek
below the eye. Unfortunately after reporting it to supervisors and
investigated by PSB (internal affairs investigator Det.
Villanueva/Gallegos), nothing was done. I had broken their supposed
“Blue Line”. Unfortunately, It’s not JUST US, it’s JUSTICE!!!
In fact, 10 months later on 6/25/08, after already successfully
completing probation, acquiring a basic Post Certificate, and
Intermediate Post Certificate, I was relieved of duty by the LAPD
while assigned to patrol at Southwest division. It is clear as day
that the department retaliated toward me for reporting Evans for
kicking Mr. Christopher Gettler.”
Rush Hour Moses [Week's News Poem by
Khakjaan Wessington, February 1, 2013]
Filth is his muscle
diverting the waves
of this black and white sea—
this subway station, this sea
and destination.
“When Marcia has no bed, she is left
with precious few options, none of them good. She can ride the city
bus, hoping for a kind driver who won’t boot her into the street.
That’s what a 55-year-old woman I met named Dorothy used to do
until she deemed that strategy too risky. “If you don’t get a
nice driver, you have to get off every hour or so and wait for
another one,” Dorothy said. “If you have to wait for a bus at
three in the morning, you’ll be waiting a long time. Anything can
—By Rose Aguilar, The Nation;
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 00:00