So Stumbleupon for now is my favorite applause. Checking out my sponsors is my second favorite form, but I appreciate any and all promotions you do for Toylit.
That's all. Enjoy Today's News Poem & Guest Twitter Found Poem.
PS: Here's a how-to guide for promoting Toylit on Stumbleupon:
2)Make a new account.
3)Open a second browser window.
4)Go to
5)Click the stumbleupon badge on the right side of the page.
6)If someone else already promoted the page first, there will be a green button. When you click it, it will go black.
7)If someone else did not promote the page, you will be sent to a submission page. Put 'poetry' in the tags section, click 'safe for work' and if you want to put a blurb in underneath, go for it. Something catchy for the casual browser.
8)I keep a promotions file to save having to retype things. I use alt-tab to bounce between applications and I can usually get 20 promotions done in 3-5 minutes. If I have to copy & paste a blurb for stumbleupon, that makes it more like 7-10 minutes.
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1 comment:
Added a how to guide for Stumbleupon in the body, above.
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