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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Retire on Bycatch [Todays's News Poem, October 16, 2010]

Retire on Bycatch [Todays's News Poem, October 16, 2010]

Rescue your credit and salvage the debits.
Appreciate surplus and transfer your best rates,
Best days—whatever it takes to obstruct and belay
Your ruinous dotage, so stay firm and don't edge
Off of a precipice, think of that late grace:
Your schooner set sail on some wetness in our pails.
Lapping elixirs of dolphins—those tricksters
You've lapped, but who escort the one who lays traps:
Pitting the planet against a new fish net
Discretionless rations surpassing greed's passions,
Feeding at bottom. The last fish? We caught them.

"Just as inflation scarred a generation of Americans, deflation has left a deep imprint on the Japanese, breeding generational tensions and a culture of pessimism, fatalism and reduced expectations. While Japan remains in many ways a prosperous society, it faces an increasingly grim situation, particularly outside the relative economic vibrancy of Tokyo, and its situation provides a possible glimpse into the future for the United States and Europe, should the most dire forecasts come to pass."
—MARTIN FACKLER, The New York Times, Published: October 16, 2010

"Fishermen argue that the limits on some species are set too low and could devastate their industry. Under the rules, if fishermen exceed their limits for some species, they must stop fishing other species in the same group -- an attempt to protect overfished stocks from being pulled up as bycatch."
—ALLISON WINTER of Greenwire, The New York Times, Published: October 15, 2010

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Hey! Whirled War Free! Shiv Pleas With Shanks! [#twitterfoundpoem, October 16, 2010]

Hey! Whirled War Free! Shiv Pleas With Shanks! [#twitterfoundpoem, October 16, 2010]

He who has overcome
his fears will truly be Whirled War free.
imagine Whirled pleas:
shiv pleas with shanks.
hahahahaha. keep an eye opened for them.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world
eye eye! with more blinding opportunities,
so shiv pleas with shanks!

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Steppenmancer [CombatWords Story, October 15, 2010: Satire] Revised

Steppenmancer [CombatWords Story, October 15, 2010: Satire] Revised Oct 16, 2010

A bundle of haywire nerves twitching, Ant flicked his his AR (short for Augmented Reality) shades off his face and surveyed the howling neon street. It looked just like that Macy's Thanksgiving Parade with all that rainbow colored trash blowing in the 'roid rage wind. The last time he had seen a rainbow was in two thousand and three, but that didn't bother Ant. To him, the world had looked dead for a long time.

He was going to be late. Ant pumped his legs past a nodding red doorman with plastic eyes. A parked corvette told Ant to "BACK OFF! THIS CAR IS PROTECTED BY VENOM!" A clean-shaven Caucasian with an erection touched Ant's forearm and directed his attention to The Golden Phallus. For these occasions, Ant carried an aerosol spray can filled with LSD: a pressurized jet blinded the man. Ant ran across the street as the light changed. The sidewalk wobbled and Ant almost lost his footing, but over the years he had developed a tolerance for the drug.

While sprinting across Union Square, Ant put his AR mirror-shades back on: it was almost time. He emptied his spray can into the crowd while his AR shades commented on the scene. The drug dealer doing handstands on his Segway (Calvert Jackson: Age 22; last known address...); a crystal prostitute with abcesses on her arms (Monika Spektor, Age 19; Amber alert in 2007...), he walked next to the podium and smiled at The Candidate's ex-Spec Ops bodyguard. As Ant's thumb depressed the detonator, he thought of all the heroes to come. After the revolution, they will dismantle the bombs. Just think: if one man can kill The Candidate, imagine what will happen when the whole world goes Anarchist.

Go to to play or just to read & maybe critique.

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