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Showing posts with label Delusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delusion. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

Chess Machine [CombatWords Poem, September 10, 2010]

Chess Machine [CombatWords, September 10, 2010]

Sensei twitches: brainstem itches.
Scores of insect lords infect
Boards of wooden brains, he's lain
Bones on benches. Crones and wenches
Feed the dusk their seed on husks.
Peeling clothing, feeling loathing,
Lain his stilts, he's slain with guilt.
Chess board master; stress-disaster
Sleepy screamer, creepy dreamer;
Knight of weed, he's slight in deed:
Diving boards through thriving gourds—
Swimming pools are trimming fools
Playing toys like praying boys,
Frisco-banned lout, schizo handout:
Corrective gears, reflexive tears.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Crushing Gravity of the Situation [Twitter Found Poem, May 11, 2010]

The Crushing Gravity of the Situation [Twitter Found Poem, May 11, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

boredd ?! evil ?!
mock your dreams & aspirations...
ppl who know the least argue the most
For example

my office crush is influenced by the object of said crush
I think the effect of fact is finite.
it is proportional to the strength of the lie.
the gravity of the object of said crush
is finite, but my delusion is infinite ?!
I can't believe I don't know why
I'm boredd ... why I have dreams & aspirations.
I don't know why gravity is finite
but boredd is infinite...

What's the matter?
If ur ex tries 2 hurt ur feelings by exploding
in a mushroom cloud,
If people laugh and mock at your dreams & aspirations,
just think about the crush of gravity.
FIGHT!!! laugh!!! flaughing
at the mushroom cloud in us all
takes the proportional strength & evil
of Murdoch & Huffington!
the gravity of my delusion is infinite!!!

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