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Showing posts with label green beans and ginger fries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green beans and ginger fries. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Major League Fangs [Twitter Found Poem, July 6, 2010]

Major League Fangs [Twitter Found Poem, July 6, 2010]

You've got a kind heart & it shows.
You've got to eat the champ to BEAT the champ
to be the champ.... the world champion!!!
Most folks will eat your kind heart.
they will start by breastfeeding before they
make their way to your kind heart.
they don't just let You win, & You won't win.
You eat green beans & Ginger fries!
they eat with the fangs of a Spider, a snake, or an alligator
and they will rip your fucking heart out!
You think of family first while they Bribed and blackmailed....
and You wanted to be the world champion?
when a snake tries to eat an alligator
it perhaps is biting off more than it can chew,
but You are just cotton candy trying to eat a Spider.

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